Even during the corona crisis, Microsoft is proving that they are not standing still. We saw this well during last year’s Ignite trade show. Several new features were again announced here that made us look forward to 2022 when they were also going to be available.
- During the first session of the new year, we want to give you a tour of the new things that have been announced. Because we waited a while we are also going to be able to effectively show some things already.
- As the second session, we move on to the administration piece of Microsoft 365. Since we had to reschedule this webinar last year, we are also happy to set it up again in a brand new session.
- We also want to take a moment to highlight 1 of the 4 Viva products recently launched by Microsoft. In a previous webinar we have already discussed these products. Then, unfortunately, we could not show anything from Viva Learning because it was not yet present. Fortunately, Viva Learning has since been launched, so we want to take a moment to show you what you can currently do with it.
By now you have read it well. Unlike previous webinars, in 2022 we are going to take the time to discuss 2-3 topics per webinar. This gives us the opportunity to share even more knowledge and novelties with you. This does not mean that there is less time per topic because because of this, a webinar will also always last around 2h. In our schedule, you can see that we have scheduled 3 different sessions. We will keep very tightly to this schedule so you can pitch in as needed. And as you are used to, we also continue to record all webinars and you can re-watch it afterwards on our website.
Webinar recording
This webinar has since ended. You can watch the recording above.
Jan Vanderstappen

Yannick Borghmans
Date and Time
10 am – 11 am